A Few Tips On Caring For Your Teeth

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Some people are simply born with strong and healthy teeth that never seem to suffer cavities or other damage, but how you care for your teeth can also affect their overall condition. If you take proper care of your teeth and gums, this can mean avoiding otherwise unnecessary trips to the dentist's office, so note a few tips on caring for your teeth, and discuss these with a dentist as needed.


Brushing your teeth is obviously very important, but ensure that you don't "over-brush." This means that your toothbrush shouldn't be stiff or brittle. You also don't want to apply too much pressure when you brush; think of giving your teeth a light massage when you brush. You want to apply some pressure with the toothbrush, just as you would if you were massaging the gums, but not so much pressure that you're hurting your teeth or damaging their enamel.

Chew sugarless gum

You may have been forbidden from chewing gum when you were younger, but sugarless gum can actually protect your teeth! For one thing, chewing gum stimulates the production of saliva, and saliva helps to rinse away food particles in the mouth. Gum can also actually catch food particles between the teeth so they can be cleaned away.

Sugarless gum can also often calm your cravings for sugary foods, and sugar may cause acid erosion of tooth enamel. You may also find it easier to quit smoking when you chew gum, as this keeps your mouth occupied. Smoking can damage your teeth, gums and throat, so sugarless gum is a good alternative to cigarettes!

Protect teeth from damage

If you wake up with a sore neck or jaw, you may be grinding your teeth at night, and grinding can wear away teeth. You might also notice that you grind your teeth during the day, when you're angry or anxious. Clenching the jaw because you're stressed or constantly angry can also cause damage to teeth, as does breathing through the mouth, as this dries the mouth and reduces the saliva produced.

Your dentist can help you to protect your teeth from this damage; he or she may prescribe a bite guard for nighttime or prescribe muscle relaxers to keep you from grinding your teeth or clenching your jaw. Being aware of how you hold your face and jaw can also mean relaxing those muscles so you don't clench your jaw or allow your mouth to drop open, which then also protects teeth.

Contact a local dental clinic to learn more.
